Choux de Pennsylvanie Acrylique et rouille 80x80cm

Barbara Schroeder

"Like an archaeologist, Barbara Schroeder explores geological layers in order to reveal their secrets and beauty. Her work, whether sculptural, pictorial or performative, digs into nature in an intuitive and instinctive logic, offering poetic and aesthetic. Thanks to her pieces as delicate as they are vibrant, Barbara Schroeder offers the viewer a new look at the world, elevating the cycle of life and its primordial forms to the rank of a work of art.
Alice Cavender - Exhibition manager at Capc - Bordeaux Contemporary Art Museum

Barbara Schroeder born in Kleve in 1965, left the banks of the Rhine in 1984 to settle in Gironde.
Trained at the University of Bordeaux III and at the Bordeaux School of Higher Education of Art,
There she deepened her practice of engraving and obtained a Master I followed by a Master II defended in 1989 in which she devoted herself to Paintings of the Berlin Wall. Developing a multidisciplinary artistic practice since then, she exhibits in numerous museums, contemporary art centers and galleries.
In 2016, she won first prize for sculpture at the Bernard Magrez Cultural Institute, with a porcelain installation.

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or a signed limited edition print
by Barbara Schroeder?